When Should You Hire An Attorney To Help?
While some injury cases may not require the help of a legal professional, a serious slip and fall injury case needs the expertise of a seasoned attorney. Slip and fall accidents are usually very complex and require advanced knowledge of the legal requirements for collecting and presenting evidence in order to be successful. Other types of injuries from car accidents or worker’s compensation incidents usually have a party that is clearly at fault from the outset.
If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident and forego hiring a legal representative, you’ll generally not have the same outcome as if you utilized a lawyer’s help. The key to success in these types of cases is to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Simply put, all personal injury cases require the plaintiff to prove the defendant was liable for the incident and validate damages, and an experienced lawyer will know what how to maximize the outcome in your favor.
Fighting For Justice
In a slip and fall injury case you and your lawyer are required to show that the defendant was negligent, and that your injury directly resulted from the defendant’s negligence. Your lawyer will begin by interviewing you and collecting evidence to determine exactly how you were injured. Most accidents, especially falls, happen in a split second. Most victims can’t understand, for example, how they went from travelling up or down a staircase to injured and laying on the floor. An experienced attorney will examine the scene of the incident and talk through the situation with you and discover why and how you were injured.
All the evidence collected in your case is critical to achieving a favorable outcome. Your lawyer will determine which laws, state, federal, and municipal, were violated and your injury. An verified expert witness may be brought into court to attest that the defendant’s actions were negligent. The insurance company, the attorney for the defendant, and the jury will need to know the detailed evidence before they can decide how much should be awarded to you.
Fighting For Reimbursement For Losses
Your lawyer will know that determining proper compensation can be grueling. The monetary amount of loss is not only the amount of wages lost from being kept home from work while you recuperate from your injury. It’s more than the amount of medical expenses incurred for treatments after the accident. Your lawyer will oversee the collection of supporting documents, like pay stubs, tax returns, and medical bills, to prove these concrete amounts.
Your lawyer will review details with you and document the totals of your lost income using your employer’s pay records, tax forms, and your income tax returns. If you have been seen by many specialists, physicians, or hospitals, it can be a cumbersome task to put all these records together. The final step in this process is for your lawyer to determine how much addition compensation to request in your case. You’ll carefully review your pain and suffering with your attorney so that it can presented to the insurance company or the court.
The True Value Of Working With An Experienced Attorney
In any personal injury case, including those dealing with slip and falls, lawyers will usually work with you given the understanding that they’ll only be compensated for their work if you receive a settlement or court award. This means that the lawyer’s fee will be taken from the total amount of your cash award. This arrangement greatly benefits you because there are no up front costs to retain an experienced lawyer to oversee your case, and you haven’t lost money on legal fees if the case isn’t decided in your favor.
Depending on your attorney’s fees, you may pay up to 40 percent of your total settlement amount to your lawyer for compensation for their work on your behalf. You might be thinking that you could save a lot and keep all the settlement money for yourself if you don’t hire a lawyer and represent yourself in court. The truth is that you would very likely be awarded much less as a settlement if you aren’t represented by a professional and experienced lawyer. It’s in your best interest to hire an attorney who’s a seasoned professional to represent you in complex cases, such as slip and fall injury suits.